How to set full screen album art in lock screen?

Jignesh Ansodariya picture Jignesh Ansodariya · Dec 1, 2016 · Viewed 15.9k times · Source

I am making simple app like any music app and I want album art on lock screen of phone like in Play Music application of google when song is playing and your screen is locked and you are going to open it you will find such lock screen

play music lock screen album art

How can I do this? can you please suggest any good tutorial?


cokceken picture cokceken · Dec 1, 2016

You can check this answer: Set lock screen background in Android (like Spotify do)

And also this sample app written by google worked for me to understand what happens, it may also help you to understand about your music application.

EDIT: About the random music player, you need to create a new project and move the classes and resources to make it work simply.