Top "Airflow" questions

Apache Airflow is a workflow management platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks.

Error while install airflow: By default one of Airflow's dependencies installs a GPL

Getting the following error after running pip install airflow[postgres] command: > raise RuntimeError("By default one of Airflow's dependencies …

Airflow - Python file NOT in the same DAG folder

I am trying to use Airflow to execute a simple task python. from __future__ import print_function from airflow.operators.…

python celery celery-task airflow
Store and access password using Apache airflow

We are using airflow as a scheduler. I want to invoke a simple bash operator in a DAG. The bash …

python airflow
Airflow using template files for PythonOperator

The method of getting a BashOperator or SqlOperator to pick up an external file for its template is somewhat clearly …

python jinja2 airflow
First time login to Apache Airflow asks for username and password, what is the username and password?

I've just installed Apache Airflow, and I'm launching the webserver for the first time, and it asks me for username …

Refreshing dags without web server restart apache airflow

Is there any way to reload the jobs without having to restart the server?

Running google colab every day at a specific time

I recently have built a Python program that runs on Google Colaboratory, I need to run the program every day …

python jupyter-notebook airflow google-colaboratory
Writing to Airflow Logs

One way to write to the logs in Airflow is to return a string from a PythonOperator like on line 44 …

Triggering an Airflow DAG from terminal not working

I'm trying to use airflow to define a specific workflow that I want to manually trigger from the command line. …

python airflow
Airflow dynamic DAG and Task Ids

I mostly see Airflow being used for ETL/Bid data related jobs. I'm trying to use it for business workflows …
