Running google colab every day at a specific time

Sado picture Sado · May 12, 2020 · Viewed 23.3k times · Source

I recently have built a Python program that runs on Google Colaboratory, I need to run the program every day at a specific time, So Is there any way to schedule it to run on Google Colab?


Prakhar Agarwal picture Prakhar Agarwal · Jun 12, 2020

You need to create a notebooks.csv listing all the Colaboratory URLs. Then use colabctl to run each notebook (In order, synchronously mentioned in the CSV) and then pauses for a period of n seconds of time before running them again.

You can then run python <end-string> <sleep-seconds>,

There's a gCookies.pkl file in the repo. Ensure that your local Python version is the same one as used to create this serialized pkl file.


Now that we have a notebook and script ready, next is to be able to SSH into Google colab.

  • create an account on
  • Copy and paste below code in colab which installs ngrok and creates a tunnel for us

Source :

  • Now, on your local machine, open terminal and SSH to connect to the Colab System.

ssh [email protected] -p <port_num_generated_above>

Now you have access to the whole system through SSH terminal. And can continue to use colabctl to any other corn script on local environment to execute your remote colab script.