Top "Ads" questions

Use this tag for issues related to handling advertisements programmatically.

Android block ads in webview

I want to implement a mechanism in a custom webview client (without JavaScript injection) that can block ads. Is a …

android browser webview ads
Display Alternative Content for Users with AdBlockers

I'm working on an ad funded project. Really something subtle and content aware, not lame popups for genital enlargement etc. …

javascript jquery ads adblock
Send keywords and targeting info to AdMob for better ads

On admob, when I click on Monetize > AdMob Network report and then select "Targeting Type" in the drop-down selection (…

android admob keyword ads targeting
What is the best way to lazy load doubleclick ads that use document.write?

Ads requested via doubleclick often get served from an ad provider network that returns javascript that in turn performs document.…

javascript iframe ads document.write lazy-loading
What is app-ads.txt and how do I implement it in AdMob?

I received mail from Google AdMob titled AdMob is launching support for app-ads.txt Can anyone suggest what I have …

android admob ads
Admob Banner ads fail to load, Error Code : 3 No fill

I've integrated admob Banner & Interstitial in my app. I've noticed that some of ads banner are fail to load. …

android admob ads banner
Use Google advertising to monetize PhoneGap app (built with PhoneGap Build)

On AdMob, there's no option for HTML5 apps anymore, and on AdSense, mobile apps (even those based on webview, explicitly …

mobile admob adsense ads
How to get the Android Advertising ID or iOS IDFA through a mobile website?

I've been googling this for a while and can not find a definitive answer. AAID or IDFA is the key …

android ios ads idfa google-advertising-id
AdMob Ads Not Showing

So, I implemented AdMob ads with the Play Services SDK. I've done everything 'by the book', but the ads won't …

java android admob ads banner
Asynchronous google ads versus Synchronous

I'm using google DFP. If I use synchronous ads from google, my site loads slowly as it needs to load …

javascript asynchronous ads synchronous google-dfp