Top "Addthis" questions

AddThis is a widely used social bookmarking service.

shareThis vs addThis

ShareThis and AddThis are drop-in bookmarking and social link-sharing scripts you can add to an existing website. I don't know …

social addthis sharethis
ios - Parse Issues in NSObjCRuntime, NSZone, and NSObject

I'm using AddThis to add sharing options in my iOS app. I have imported the classes and added the -fno-objc-arc …

ios compiler-errors automatic-ref-counting addthis
Change AddThis url dynamically with jQuery

I am trying to dynamically change the URL sent by addthis. When a user alters an element it updates a …

jquery addthis
Addthis: Changing Description, Title, and Url being sent

I am building a forum in PHP and I want users to be able to share the title and description …

plugins addthis
jQuery Print Preview

I am attempting to add the jQuery Print Preview Plugin into my website but I use AddThis' Print Option. I …

javascript jquery printing addthis print-preview
HTML1115: X-UA-Compatible META tag ('IE=9, IE=8, chrome=1') ignored because document mode is already finalized

I got such warning: HTML1115: X-UA-Compatible META tag ('IE=9, IE=8, chrome=1') ignored because document mode is already finalized. when …

google-plus addthis x-ua-compatible
Addthis not working with Ajax

I am loading all articles with Ajax but Addthis functionality is not correct $thisChild.load( permLink + ' #thePostStuff', function() { And …

jquery ajax addthis
AddThis button will not work inside AJAX, but will work normally

Basically, this is what I'm doing. User visits site, loads "index.html" Within index.html, it automatically loads, through AJAX, "…

javascript jquery ajax addthis
Set the Facebook preview picture when sharing with AddThis

Is there a way to set the preview picture of the Facebook sharing when you insert the AddThis widget in …

html facebook addthis
How to increase page loading speed with AddThis widget?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> I am …

javascript html optimization addthis