Active Directory (AD) is a distributed directory service created by Microsoft.
In active directory, should mailNickname always equal samaccountname? Or, should it always be equal to the mail property (minus the "@…
.net active-directory adsiWhat I mean is that right now I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement and if I use UserPrincipal class I …
c# active-directory directoryservicesI need to set up SSL over Active Directory. I googled a lot but could not found a decent write …
ssl active-directory ldap adam ldsI am looking to get a list of all of the groups that a user is a member of in …
c# .net active-directoryI'm trying to use the .NET 3.5 System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace to validate user credentials against our Active Directory LDAP server …
c# .net active-directory ldap directoryservicesI currently try to change passwords in our Active Directory Envoirenment via LDAP on Linux since the users in question …
active-directory ldap openldap adldapHow can I get a list of users within an LDAP group, even if that group happens to be the …
active-directory ldap member adsi ldap-queryI'm configuring LDAP authentication in TeamCity 7.1.2 in a Windows domain (Active Directory). Basically it works (I can log in with …
active-directory ldap teamcity ldap-query teamcity-7.0How can I find what OU the computer belongs to using CMD or powershell cmdlet . I have found some long …
powershell command-line active-directory ouI am doing a Java EE web application that requires Single Sign On with Active Directory. The application will no …
tomcat jakarta-ee active-directory single-sign-on windows-users