Top "Active-directory" questions

Active Directory (AD) is a distributed directory service created by Microsoft.

In active directory, what is mailNickname used for?

In active directory, should mailNickname always equal samaccountname? Or, should it always be equal to the mail property (minus the "@…

.net active-directory adsi
How to get Active Directory Attributes not represented by the UserPrincipal class

What I mean is that right now I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement and if I use UserPrincipal class I …

c# active-directory directoryservices
Setting up SSL in Active Directory how-to

I need to set up SSL over Active Directory. I googled a lot but could not found a decent write …

ssl active-directory ldap adam lds
Find Recursive Group Membership (Active Directory) using C#

I am looking to get a list of all of the groups that a user is a member of in …

c# .net active-directory
How do I validate Active Directory creds over LDAP + SSL?

I'm trying to use the .NET 3.5 System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace to validate user credentials against our Active Directory LDAP server …

c# .net active-directory ldap directoryservices
LDAP Constraint Violation When Changing Password in AD through ldapmodify

I currently try to change passwords in our Active Directory Envoirenment via LDAP on Linux since the users in question …

active-directory ldap openldap adldap
LDAP group membership (including Domain Users)

How can I get a list of users within an LDAP group, even if that group happens to be the …

active-directory ldap member adsi ldap-query
Query Active Directory/LDAP, find users in nested organizational unit

I'm configuring LDAP authentication in TeamCity 7.1.2 in a Windows domain (Active Directory). Basically it works (I can log in with …

active-directory ldap teamcity ldap-query teamcity-7.0
How to find computer object OU from server itself using CMD

How can I find what OU the computer belongs to using CMD or powershell cmdlet . I have found some long …

powershell command-line active-directory ou
Retrieve current Windows user in Java EE web application for Single Sign On purposes

I am doing a Java EE web application that requires Single Sign On with Active Directory. The application will no …

tomcat jakarta-ee active-directory single-sign-on windows-users