Top "Windows-users" questions

Agents, either human or software, which use a Windows computer or network service.

Get Windows username of current user using php?

Possible Duplicate: How to read Windows loged in username with PHP/IIS I'm work on php tool that generate Data …

php windows-users
Retrieve current Windows user in Java EE web application for Single Sign On purposes

I am doing a Java EE web application that requires Single Sign On with Active Directory. The application will no …

tomcat jakarta-ee active-directory single-sign-on windows-users
Trying to find the MSI product code for Java 8 Update 25 in to work with WSUS Package Publisher

I'm trying to create a 3rd party custom update through WSUS Package Publisher however I can't manage to get the …

java windows-installer windows-server-2012-r2 windows-users
Get windows users with C#

How can I get a list of all windows users of the local machine with the usage of .NET (C#) ?

c# .net windows-users