Top "Accordion" questions

An accordion is a type of menu that allows for additional content to be shown below the heading upon mouse action.

jQuery UI Accordion activate

I'm not getting how to do this, or if I can do this. I have a jQuery UI Accordion, multiple …

jquery accordion jquery-ui-accordion
How to implement twitter bootstrap accordion?

I'm trying to implement the twitter bootstrap collapse plugin ( and I can't …

javascript jquery css twitter-bootstrap accordion
jQuery UI accordion with autoHeight=true has unnecessary scrollbar on non-default panes

I am having trouble with jQuery accordion. When I create a content pane where the non-default pane has more content …

jquery-ui accordion
Android - accordion widget

I'm looking at best way of creating an Accordion-style widget such as on this page. Is there a way of …

android widget accordion
Twitter bootstrap: adding a class to the open accordion title

I am a jquery/javascript newbie. What I want to do is add a class to the open accordion title, …

javascript jquery jquery-ui twitter-bootstrap accordion
jQuery Accordion - will it scroll to the top of the open item?

With the jQuery accordion control, how can I have it scroll to an item I've selected when it is off …

jquery accordion
jQuery Accordion open collapsed

using jquery v1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.1 I have 1 tab control with 3 tabs in it. Each tab contains 1 accordion control. $(document).…

javascript jquery jquery-ui accordion
jQuery & Prototype Conflict

I am using the jQuery AutoComplete plugin in an html page where I also have an accordion menu which uses …

jquery autocomplete prototypejs accordion conflict
How do you make Twitter Bootstrap Accordion keep one group open?

I am trying to mimic the Outlook bar using Twitter bootstrap using the accordion and collapse plugin, so far I …

twitter-bootstrap accordion twitter-bootstrap-3
Dynamically adding and refreshing elements to the Accordion widget in jQuery UI

Several questions here on SO reference this open jQuery UI feature request for the ability to dynamically add/remove panels …

jquery jquery-ui accordion jquery-ui-accordion