Top "Access-denied" questions

Error message/exception when access to a certain resource is denied due to insufficient privileges.

Access to the path 'c:\\log.txt' is denied in File.Create

I am trying to create a log file in my program: if (!File.Exists("c://log.txt")) { File.Create("c://…

c# access-denied
Error executing aapt: Cannot run program, CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied: CreateProcess error=5, Access is denied

Today I just updated the Android SDK on Windows 7 with the Android SDK Manager and started getting error during build …

android eclipse access-denied aapt
System.UnauthorizedAccessException - Access to Path Denied

This is a slightly tricky one, so bear with me... I have a simple little method: Public Overloads Shared Function … wcf .net-4.0 windows-services access-denied
Access denied while getting process path

I am trying to get process path by pid but I'm getting Win32Exception (access id denied). The code looks …

c# winapi process access-denied win32exception
Maven Shading Error: Access is Denied

Now, I have already seen this question, however it doesn't appear anything is using my target folder. What's going on, …

java eclipse maven access-denied
Amazon S3 : Access Denied for URL using symbols

I would like to download some files uploaded on my S3 Server. For the moment, all my buckets and files …

url amazon-web-services amazon-s3 special-characters access-denied
how to redirect the access denied page in spring security?

I want to know how to redirect the access denied page in spring security? Shall I use some kind of …

java spring redirect spring-security access-denied
CentOS systemctl access denied

I would disable Ctrl-Alt-Delete in my CentOS server so I tried: systemctl mask but I got: Failed to …

centos root access-denied systemctl
Gitosis Error: Receiving 'Read Access Denied' on previously accessible repository

The Players I've been using git and gitosis for some months now, and am really loving both. Unfortunately, I have …

git gitosis access-denied
Export-Csv - Access to the path 'C:\export.csv' is denied

I'm getting the information I need out of the line, although when I go to export the information, I get …

powershell export export-to-excel access-denied export-csv