I would like to download some files uploaded on my S3 Server.
For the moment, all my buckets and files inside them are public, so I can download what I want. Unfortunately, I can't access to files using special characters like a space or "&"...
I tried to change the special characters in my URL by HTML code :
But I always have the same error :
<Message>Access Denied</Message>
Anybody could resolve this problem ?
I can't rename them because there are used by other applications.
I am able to download public files with '&' in the name with no problems using curl:
curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket/test/b%26b.jar
Recheck the permissions on your file using the AWS console. Make sure the file has "Grantee: Everyone", and Open/Download permissions clicked, as in this screenshot:
Make sure to click the "save" button after you add these credentials. Alternatively, try using your security credentials.