Top "Win32exception" questions

Win32Exception Class is part of .NET Framework and is used as wrapper of Win32 error codes.

System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception when starting process - file not found, but file exists

I am trying to create a manager for my autostarts. It should read an XML file and then start my …

c# exception file-access file-not-found win32exception
Win32Exception: The directory name is invalid

I'm trying to run a process as a different user that has Administrator privilege in 2 different computers running Vista and …

c# processstartinfo win32exception
Access is denied exception when using Process.Start() to open folder

I have a winforms application in C# where I have to open a certain Folder. I use System.Diagnostics.Process.…

c# winforms process.start win32exception
No application is associated with the specified file exception

UnhandledException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: No application is associated with the specified file for this operation at System.Diagnostics.Process.…

c# exception-handling notepad process.start win32exception
Win32Exception the parameter is incorrect

exe file using Process.Start() but it throws the "Win32Exception the parameter is incorrect". Process p = new Process(); Process.…

c# process.start win32exception
Access denied while getting process path

I am trying to get process path by pid but I'm getting Win32Exception (access id denied). The code looks …

c# winapi process access-denied win32exception
System.ArgumentException and System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception when getting process information

When i try to write process' information to console i get System.ArgumentException and System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception. What causes …

c# argumentexception win32exception