An accelerometer is a device that measures the proper acceleration of the device.
Can anyone help on removing the g factor from accelerometer readings? I am using SensorEventListener with onSensorChanged() method for getting …
android accelerometerI am just a beginner in the application development industry. I know the accelerometer can be used to return the …
android accelerometer android-sensorsNow that iOS 4 is no longer NDA, I would like to know what Gyroscope has to offer over the Accelerometer …
iphone ios4 accelerometer gyroscopeIs it possible to detect change in orientation of the browser on the iPad or Galaxy Tab using javascript? I …
javascript css ipad accelerometer galaxy-tabI need some help understanding the output of the DFT/FFT computation. I'm an experienced software engineer and need to …
java audio signal-processing accelerometer fftI have read articles/tutorial about accessing the phone's accelerometer (acceleration and orientation) values. I am trying to build a …
android accelerometerHow do I filter noise of the accelerometer data in Android? I would like to create a high-pass filter for …
android accelerometerI want to know current speed of car and make a passed path. I have an Android phone with accelerometer …
android accelerometer gyroscopeIs there any way to access accelerometer data using Javascript on Android's browser? I know it supports "onorientationchange", but I'd …
javascript android accelerometerI'm working on an android application which can calculate device's movement in 6 direction. I think I can use acceleration as; "…
java android android-emulator accelerometer