Top "64-bit" questions

A 64-bit architecture is usually a system where addresses (pointers) are 64 bits wide.

Hand Install of 64-bit MS Access ODBC drivers when 32-bit Office is present

I want to do a hand install of the MS Access 64 bit odbc drivers. Uninstalling 32 bit Office and installing 64 bit …

ms-access 64-bit odbc registry dllregistration
How do I force MSBuild to compile for 32-bit mode?

I'm using MSBuild (via NAnt) to compile a bunch of VB.NET assemblies. Because these assemblies depend on COM Interop, …

.net msbuild 64-bit 32-bit
Infamous assembly binding error

I really need help on this because I lost my hopes to correct the problem. I am using Office Communications …

visual-studio-2010 64-bit
Calling 32bit Code from 64bit Process

I have an application that we're trying to migrate to 64bit from 32bit. It's .NET, compiled using the x64 flags. …

.net migration x86 64-bit fortran
Can I get Memcached running on a Windows (x64) 64bit environment?

Does anyone know IF, WHEN or HOW I can get Memcached running on a Windows 64bit environment? I'm setting up …

c# c++ windows 64-bit memcached
How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java?

How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java?

java windows x86 64-bit
What is the difference between x64 and IA-64?

I was on Microsoft's website and noticed two different installers, one for x64 and one for IA-64. Reference:Installing the .…

64-bit x86-64 cpu-architecture itanium
'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' 64x Sql Server and 86x Office?

The error: OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured …

64-bit oledb 32-bit openrowset
How do you build the x64 Boost libraries on Windows?

I've built the x86 Boost libraries many times, but I can't seem to build x64 libraries. I start the "Visual …

c++ visual-studio-2005 boost 64-bit boost-build
How to make Android apps which support both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture?

I've just received and read a newsletter from Google Play mentioning that from next year on, the store "will require …

android android-ndk google-play 64-bit 32-bit