How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java?

Matthew picture Matthew · Dec 6, 2009 · Viewed 55.8k times · Source

How do you determine 32 or 64 bit architecture of Windows using Java?


Boolean picture Boolean · Feb 15, 2010

I don't exactly trust reading the os.arch system variable. While it works if a user is running a 64bit JVM on a 64bit system. It doesn't work if the user is running a 32bit JVM on a 64 bit system.

The following code works for properly detecting Windows 64-bit operating systems. On a Windows 64 bit system the environment variable "Programfiles(x86)" will be set. It will NOT be set on a 32-bit system and java will read it as null.

boolean is64bit = false;
if (System.getProperty("").contains("Windows")) {
    is64bit = (System.getenv("ProgramFiles(x86)") != null);
} else {
    is64bit = (System.getProperty("os.arch").indexOf("64") != -1);

For other operating systems like Linux or Solaris or Mac we may see this problem as well. So this isn't a complete solution. For mac you are probably safe because apple locks down the JVM to match the OS. But Linux and Solaris, etc.. they may still use a 32-bit JVM on their 64-bit system. So use this with caution.