A 64-bit architecture is usually a system where addresses (pointers) are 64 bits wide.
What do 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit architectures mean in case of Microprocessors and/or Operating Systems? In case of Microprocessors, …
64-bit operating-system 32-bit microprocessors 16-bitI am writing a launcher in C++ to launch my java based GUI application on Windows. I am using CreateProcess …
64-bit createprocess javaw syswow64I have been working with pygtk on linux for some time.I just want to make my app more distributable. …
windows python-2.7 64-bit pygtkI am happy with Windows 7 RTM x64 overall as everything in my development environment works well with it except for …
windows-7 64-bit oracleclientI have been trying to load a 32-bit dll using C++ (from a 32-bit application, on windows 7 64-bit). LoadLibrary returns …
dll dependencies x86 64-bit loadlibraryThe usual check to differentiate between running Python-application on Windows and on other OSes (Linux typically) is to use conditional: …
python windows 64-bit cross-platform 32bit-64bit