A 64-bit architecture is usually a system where addresses (pointers) are 64 bits wide.
I have a fair amount of string format specifiers in NSLog / NSAssert etc. calls which use %d and %u with …
ios objective-c 64-bit arm64on x64 Windows 7 I am trying to get hello world MVC 3 website running as 64-bit process (so Environment.Is64BitProcess …
64-bit iis-expressNo matter what I've tried, I couldn't make XE2 to connect to a MySQL with dbExpress. The problem has actually …
mysql delphi 64-bit delphi-xe2 dbexpressI have to copy a psTool utility to System32 folder when my application runs. I am on 64 bit Windows 7 and …
c# .net windows 64-bit 32bit-64bitIs there any C++ implementation of 64-bit Unix timestamp conversions for 32-bit systems? I need to convert struct tm to 64…
c++ linux 64-bit 32bit-64bit time-tI am developing a java application using 64 bit eclipse on a 64 bit Windows 7 install. I'm forced to use a 32 bit …
java 64-bit jpcapIn regard to this article There is a similar thread here, that says you can unzip the apk file and …
android arm 64-bit apk apportableI want to clarify how I could import data from .csv into table with 3 columns (see CR Ranking.csv below). …
sql-server-2005 sql-server-2008 csv 64-bit openrowsetSurely the answer will be "you can't" or "use XP mode", but I'd like to know if it it possible. …
debugging visual-c++ windows-7 64-bit visual-c++-6No matter which of the three tizen studio 2.0 installers I try they all don't work as they won't accept any …
windows-10 64-bit tizen tizen-wearable-sdk