Convert 64bit timestamp to a readable value

Steve Trawley picture Steve Trawley · Jun 6, 2011 · Viewed 17.6k times · Source

In my dataset I have two timestamp columns. The first is microseconds since application was started - e.g., 1400805323. The second is described as 64bit timestamp which I'm hoping will indicate clock time, using NTP format of number of seconds from 1/1/1901.

Example of '64bit' timestamps: 129518309081725000 129518309082059000 129518309082393000 129518309082727000 129518309083060000 129518309083394000 129518309083727000

Is there any matlab/python code that could convert this into a readable format?

Any help much appreciated,



Rom picture Rom · Jun 6, 2011

Assuming that these values were generated today, June 6th 2011, these values look like number of 100-nanosecond intervals since Jan 1st year 1601. This is how Windows NT stores FILETIME. For more concentrated info on this read this blog post of Raymond Chen. These articles also show how to convert it to anything else