Top "3d" questions

3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.

How to calculate Tangent and Binormal?

Talking about bump mapping, specular highlight and these kind of things in OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) I have: An array …

math opengl 3d glsl shader
Matplotlib 3D scatter plot with color gradient

How can I create a 3D plot with a color gradient for the points? See the example below, which works …

python 3d plot matplotlib scatter
How do I reverse-project 2D points into 3D?

I have 4 2D points in screen-space, and I need to reverse-project them back into 3D space. I know that each …

3d geometry 2d photogrammetry reverseprojection
Mesh generation from points with x, y and z coordinates

Problem: Mesh generation from 3D points (with x, y and z coordinates). What I have is points in 3D space (…

algorithm geometry 3d delaunay
3D models on HTML page

I have 3D CAD model that I want to show on a web page. I'd like to show it in …

html 3d cad
Roll, pitch, yaw calculation

How can I calculate the roll, pitch and yaw angles associated with a homogeneous transformation matrix? I am using the …

3d robotics
interpolate 3D volume with numpy and or scipy

I am extremely frustrated because after several hours I can't seem to be able to do a seemingly easy 3D …

python numpy 3d scipy interpolation
Euler angles between two 3d vectors

How do you find the 3 euler angles between 2 3D vectors? When I have one Vector and I want to get …

math vector 3d geometry euler-angles
why are draw calls expensive?

assuming the texture, vertex, and shader data are already on the graphics card, you don't need to send much data …

performance optimization graphics 3d gpu
When to use Binary Space Partitioning, Quadtree, Octree?

I have recently learned about binary space partitioning trees and their application to 3d graphics and collision detection. I have …

3d tree quadtree octree space-partitioning