Top "32bit-64bit" questions

Issues related to the use of a 64-bit vs a 32-bit architecture including portability issues.

Is it advisable to switch from Cygwin 32bit to Cygwin 64bit?

I've been using Cygwin (for a long time). Specifically, I use it (including gcc/g++) on Win7 for development work. …

cygwin 64-bit 32bit-64bit windows-7-x64 transitions
Windows command to tell whether a .dll file is 32 bit or 64 bit?

I'm looking for a command in windows cmd to tell me if a certain dll file is 32 bit or 64 bit …

windows dll cmd 32bit-64bit
Using intptr_t instead of void*?

Is it a good idea to use intptr_t as a general-purpose storage (to hold pointers and integer values) instead …

c pointers 32bit-64bit void-pointers intptr
Can I control the architecture (32bit vs 64bit) when building a pyinstaller executable?

Short Question Is there any way to control / guarantee the architecture (32bit vs 64bit) when building a pyinstaller executable? Background …

python windows usb 32bit-64bit pyinstaller
What causes System.BadImageFormatException when constructing System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection

I've broken the code down to the smallest possible statement: Dim cn As System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection And I get …

.net sqlite 32bit-64bit
Linking 32-bit library to 64-bit program

I have a 32-bit .so binary-only library and I have to generate 64-bit program that uses it. Is there a …

linux 64-bit 32-bit 32bit-64bit
What's the difference between installing 32bit or 64bit apps on a 64bit Windows?

So apparently, you can install both 32bit and 64bit compiled applications on a 64bit Windows system (Vista or 7). What's the …

windows-7 windows-vista installation 32bit-64bit
Using gdb and gdbserver with a 32 bit binary on a 64 bit machine with Centos 5 complains about memory access or badly formatted data

I have two identical 64 bit Centos 5 machines, that are networked, and share their /home mount. I compile a simple Hello …

gdb 32bit-64bit gdbserver
64 bit version issue in react-native android app by google play store

According to In August 2019, Play store will require that new apps and app updates …

android react-native google-play 32bit-64bit react-native-android
Should I define both _WIN32 and _WIN64 in 64bit build?

When we add a 64bit configuration from a 32bit project that has already existed, Visual Studio copies the 32bit configurations …

windows visual-studio visual-c++ configuration 32bit-64bit