Top "32bit-64bit" questions

Issues related to the use of a 64-bit vs a 32-bit architecture including portability issues.

How to run an API made for 32-bit on a 64-bit machine?

I'm writing a java application which has to communicate with has to communicate with an XBee radio over a usb-cable.…

java 64-bit usb 32bit-64bit xbee
android studio adb Syntax error: ")" unexpected

this morning when I start doing my daily routine(opening android studio 1.5.1 in my PC - lubuntu 32 bit) I encounter …

android linux android-studio adb 32bit-64bit
What does the Python version line mean?

What does the line that's displayed when you start an instance of the Python interpreter mean? Python 2.7 (r27:82525, Jul 4 2010, 07:43:08) [MSC …

python 32bit-64bit
Is it safe to use sys.platform=='win32' check on 64-bit Python?

The usual check to differentiate between running Python-application on Windows and on other OSes (Linux typically) is to use conditional: …

python windows 64-bit cross-platform 32bit-64bit
Options for using System.Data.SQLite in a 32bit and 64bit C# world

I understand WHY the System.Data.SQLite.dll is provided in 32 bit and 64 bit builds. So lets not dwell on …

c# .net sqlite 32bit-64bit
Check if installed version of JRE is 64 bit on solaris Sparc

Is there a clear or easy way to check over the command line if the installed JRE is 64 bit on …

solaris 32bit-64bit java sparc
What is the header file for the uintptr_t type in modern C++?

I found that in C99 you should #include <stdint.h> and that seems to work with my C++03 …

c++ 32bit-64bit c99 stdint
File getting copied to SysWOW64 instead of System32

I have to copy a psTool utility to System32 folder when my application runs. I am on 64 bit Windows 7 and …

c# .net windows 64-bit 32bit-64bit
64-bit Unix timestamp conversion

Is there any C++ implementation of 64-bit Unix timestamp conversions for 32-bit systems? I need to convert struct tm to 64…

c++ linux 64-bit 32bit-64bit time-t
Phpstorm superslow - 282.8% CPU usage

After working for over 5 years with Netbeans I wanted to give a try with Phpstorm suggested by a friend. I …

performance svn 32bit-64bit phpstorm