Top ".net-framework-version" questions

Versions of .NET Framework.

This application requires one of the following versions of .NET Framework

I am trying to migrate our application to the newer version of .NET Framework. From current version of 4.5 to 4.6.1 Reason, …

c# .net .net-framework-version .net-4.6.1
Does installing .NET Framework 4.7 eliminate the need to install 4.6.x?

Our environments currently have .NET Framework 2.0 50727 .NET Framework 3.0 30729 .NET Framework 3.5 30729 .NET Framework 4.5.2 379893 Rolling out 4.7 this week. Will an application targeting 4.6.…

.net .net-framework-version
ERROR: Cannot find all types required by the 'async' modifier. Are you targeting the wrong framework version, or missing a reference to an assembly?

I have following configuration of my PC: Windows 8 Visual Studio 2012 .NET Framework 4.5 My Project Configuration is: WP 7.1 Silverlight 4.0 .NET Framework 4.0 …

c# windows-phone-7 visual-studio-2012 async-await .net-framework-version
error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" were not found

I have recently upgraded my Visual Studio environment, and now I seem to have a problem with my .Net framework, …

visual-studio visual-studio-2017 .net-framework-version
Is it safe to remove previous versions of the .NET framework?

I've just installed the 3.5 .NET Framework and while doing some cleaning I've notice that I have a lot of older …

.net .net-framework-version
Install IIS 7 and .Net 4.0 on windows 10

I have a software, which requires IIS 7 or above and .Net framework 4.0 or above installed. I know Windows 10 has IIS 10 …

iis windows-10 .net-framework-version
How should I fix/resolve exception The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.1" were not found?

I tried to load a project I have and got this exception: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State …

.net visual-studio-2017 .net-framework-version
TFS build job failed for Framework 4.7.2

I have installed framework 4.7.2 on TFS 2013 server and trying to build a job using msbuild. I am getting following error: …

tfs msbuild visual-studio-2017 .net-framework-version
How can I check .NET framework 4.5 prerequestics in WiX

I'd like to validate both .NET framework 4.0 and 4.5 should be installed at server before proceeding a installation. Hence I used …

wix windows-installer .net-framework-version
Which version of .NET framework SQL Server supports?

I want to create SQLCLR based stored procedures for SQL Server. As you know I can build a dll against …

sql-server sqlclr .net-framework-version