I have a software, which requires IIS 7 or above and .Net framework 4.0 or above installed.
I know Windows 10 has IIS 10 and .Net 4.6 built in and I ticked all the components available in Program and Features. But the software still failed to validate the environment.
Is there any way I can install the older version of IIS and/or .Net on Windows 10 PC instead of rebuilding the system with Windows 7?
Thank you.
Finally, I found a solution without modifying the software.
What I did was modifying the computer's registry for IIS and .Net
1.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Microsoft->InetStp
2.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Microsoft->NET Framework Setup->NDP->v4
3.Change the Version Data value from all the subfolders from 4.6.00079 to a lower version, for exampple 4.5.51650 for .Net 4.5, do these for all 4 folders, Client, Client->1033, Full and Full->1033
4.Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Wow6432Node->Microsoft, repeat step 2 and 3 for all the related folders. (This is for updating the 64bit part of the IIS and .Net, if you are on a 32bit machine, ignore this step)
5.After complete, install the software, you should be fine.