Top ".net-framework-version" questions

Versions of .NET Framework.

How can I resolve this error: Loading the include file 'EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude' returned a null or empty string

How can I resolve these errors: Loading the include file 'EF.Utility.CS.ttinclude' returned a null or empty string. …

visual-studio entity-framework-5 t4 .net-framework-version
Create a standalone exe without the need to install .NET framework

I'm a student and at the moment i'm doing an internship at a company. This internship is about analysing a …

c# visual-studio-2010 exe .net-framework-version
Is there a way to determine the .NET Framework version from the command line?

To troubleshoot an installation, sometimes I just want a quick answer to what version of .NET is installed. Is there …

.net windows command-line .net-framework-version
Proper localization of a WinForms application

I have a WinForms application which I want to translate into multiple languages. However, I do not have any experience …

c# .net winforms localization .net-framework-version
Could not load file or assembly System.Runtime, Version=

Suddenly, after adding some NuGet packages (mostly, related to ASPNET Identity), it started showing this error: FileNotFoundException: Could not load … visual-studio-2017 .net-framework-version
How can I change a .NET standard library to a .NET framework library?

I'm writing a class library for a simple parser in C#. When I first created it, I used .NET standard 2.0, …

c# .net .net-standard .net-framework-version .net-4.6
Error: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1) ... When Invoking Methods on a Web Service

Error: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1) ... When Invoking Methods on a Web Service. I am using VS 2008 C# …

c# web-services .net-framework-version
Documentation for Adobe PDF Reader control axAcroPDF

Where can I find a list of public parameters and methods for axAcroPDF control? I'm most interested in string parameters …

c# winforms .net-framework-version axacropdf
How do I set the .NET Framework Version when using New-WebAppPool?

I'm looking to see how I can use the IIS PowerShell Cmdlet New-WebAppPool to specify the version of the .NET …

windows iis powershell application-pool .net-framework-version