Top "Zepto" questions


'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' error in Spring MVC + Zepto POST

I'm trying to POST a JSON object to my Spring MVC controller, but I only receive an Access-Control-Allow-Origin error. My …

ajax spring spring-mvc post zepto
Zepto.js selector performance vs jquery

I did see some test indicating that the id and class selector ($(#id); $(.class)) is slower than the jquery one. …

jquery performance zepto
How to implement jquery like slideDown() in zepto

I am using zepto library for my mobile web site. I have recently learnt that zepto does not have slideDown() …

javascript jquery html slidedown zepto
Extend Zepto.js with a jQuery method? scrollTop()

I'm using Zepto.js on a current project. Zepto doesn't support the scrollTop() method that jQuery has in it. Is …

javascript jquery extend zepto
How can I scroll a div with Zepto.js?

I have a div with overflow:scroll and I now want to programmatically scroll that div down. Is this possible …

scroll zepto
How to use requirejs with zepto

I can't seem to get zepto to work with requirejs. Here are my files main.js require.config({ paths: { zepto: …

javascript backbone.js requirejs zepto frontend