Top "Zend-view" questions

provides the “View” layer of Zend Framework 2’s MVC system.

How to switch layout files in Zend Framework?

I'm sure it's a simple one-liner, but I can't seem to find it. How can I use a different layout …

php zend-framework layout zend-view zend-layout
Zend - how to disable layout on a given action?

I have the following controller that, among other methods it has this one: class EquipasController extends OccControllerAction { public function listaAction() { $…

zend-framework layout views zend-view zend-layout
Sending variables to the layout in Zend Framework

In my project I have a number of dynamic elements that are consistently on every page. I have put these …

zend-framework layout zend-view
Zend Framework: Render multiple Views in one Layout

I want to generate a dynamic site using Zend_Layout. My layout (/application/layouts/scripts/layout.phtml) contains the following …

zend-framework zend-view
Getting basepath from view in zend framework

Case: you're developing a site with Zend Framework and need relative links to the folder the webapp is deployed in. …

php zend-framework zend-view zend-layout
What do $this->escape() in zend framework actually do?

I need help in understanding the actual actions of a helper function in Zend Framework. I need someone to explain …

php zend-framework zend-view
How do I use ViewScripts on Zend_Form File Elements?

I am using this ViewScript for my standard form elements: <div class="field" id="field_<?php echo $this-&…

zend-framework zend-form decorator zend-view zend-form-element
Get request info in view helper

Is it possible in Zend View helper (extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract) get info about module/controller/action in which …

php zend-framework zend-view
Where do I save partial (views) in Zend Framework, to be accessible for all Views in my App?

I have several view Partials (like paginator partial) which I want them to be available To all view scripts in …

php model-view-controller zend-framework zend-view
Zend Framework 2 Service in View Helper

I need to write a view helper that gets a service and do something with it. I successfully implemented the …

php zend-framework2 zend-view