Top "Zbuffer" questions

is an array used to store the maximum Z coordinate of any feature plotted at a given (X, Y) location on the screen.

Three.js / WebGL - transparent planes hiding other planes behind them

When you have two planes in Three.js / WebGL and one or both of them are transparent, sometimes the plane …

javascript three.js webgl depth zbuffer
gl_FragCoord.x, y, z being 1 for all pixels and w being the depth

I'm using THREE.js with shader. I'm trying to get the zbuffer information. Vertex shader: // switch on high precision floats #…

glsl three.js webgl shader zbuffer
Reading .exr files in OpenCV

I have generated some depth maps using blender and have saved z-buffer values(32 bits) in OpenEXR format. Is there any …

python image opencv zbuffer openexr
using renderOrder in three.js

I want to have two overlapping objects in a scene but I want to define which object should be drawn …

three.js render overlap zbuffer