The YouTube APIs and Tools enable the integration of YouTube's video content and functionality into a website, application, or device.
I want to create a basic app that allow users to simply start to broadcast a video through their phone …
youtube youtube-api youtube-data-api youtube-livestreaming-apiI have been struggling with Youtube's API v3 now and I can't get it work in the way I want. …
video youtube youtube-api youtube-data-apiI am getting following error while playing video in fullscreen mode (only in fullscreen). I am hiding all other components …
android youtube-api android-youtube-apiI want play embedded YouTube video in iOS app using YTPlayerView provided at…
ios swift youtube youtube-api ytplayerviewon this page ( google says: You can find the quota available to your …
youtube google-api youtube-api youtube-data-apiI am using YTplayer plugin for fullscreen youtube player in this-website Get inspired tab! I have provided code below with …
javascript jquery youtube youtube-api ytplayerThe Youtube V3 API uses ISO8601 time format to describe the duration of videos. Something likes "PT1M13S". And …
java youtube-api time-formatI am trying to implement the youtube-ios-player-helper, found here: What I did: Edited my podfile, …
ios swift youtube youtube-api ytplayerviewI am using SWFObject to embed YouTube videos into our website. There are many links to videos in one page …
javascript events youtube youtube-api swfobjectI have an embedded YouTube video in one page and have a slider with which I can set the player …
javascript api video youtube youtube-api