How to use constant in the ON condition in Yii2 hasMany relation

Tibor Nagy picture Tibor Nagy · May 28, 2015 · Viewed 26.8k times · Source

I try to create a polymorphic association, what is common in Rails but unfortunately not in Yii2. As part of the implementation I need to define the relation:

public function getImages()
   return $this->hasMany(RecipeImage::className(), 
       ['imageable_id' => 'id', 'imageable_type' => 'Person']);

But this doesn't work, because 'Person' is treated as an attribute of the current model, but it is a constant (class name for the polymorphic association).

If I try to use 'andWhere' it adds the condition of course in a WHERE clause instead of the ON clause, causing that only records with existing image returned.

public function getImages()
   return $this->hasMany(RecipeImage::className(), ['imageable_id' => 'id'])->
       andWhere(['imageable_type' => 'Ingredient']);

How can I define the relation? There is no andOn method.


arogachev picture arogachev · May 28, 2015

In this case you can modify ON condition with andOnCondition method:

public function getImages()
    return $this->hasMany(RecipeImage::className(), ['imageable_id' => 'id'])
        ->andOnCondition(['imageable_type' => 'Person']);

Official docs: