How to make a dropdown
in yii2
using an activeform
and a model? Since all the methods has changed in yii2
,how it is done in the new one?
It is like
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use backend\models\Standard;
<?= Html::activeDropDownList($model, 's_id',
ArrayHelper::map(Standard::find()->all(), 's_id', 'name')) ?>
ArrayHelper in Yii2 replaces the CHtml list data in Yii 1.1.[Please load array data from your controller]
Load data from your controller.
$items = ArrayHelper::map(Standard::find()->all(), 's_id', 'name');
return $this->render('your_view',['model'=>$model, 'items'=>$items]);
In View
<?= Html::activeDropDownList($model, 's_id',$items) ?>