Top "Yii2" questions

Yii 2 is the latest version of the Yii framework - a high-performance, component-based PHP framework

Repeat Password does not work in Yii2

I have written rules in the model as: public $password_repeat; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function rules() { return [ .... .... ['password', 'required'], ['password', 'string', …

php yii yii2
Using yii2 date range in active record

i have a date field in my database which has datetype as data type, how can i use active record …

yii2 date-range
How to send mail to multiple recipients in Yii2 mailer OR how to add setCc in yii2 mailer

How to send mail to multiple recipients in Yii2 mailer? This code for a multiple recipient but not working. $value = …

yii2 swiftmailer
Yii 2 gii is generating view files on different directory

I am new to yii framework. On yii version:2.0.1 I have created a module in which I tried to generate …

php yii2 yii2-advanced-app
How to create composite primary key by using Migration in Yii2?

I tried to run yii migrate, but it showed the following error: create table news-cate ...Exception: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or …

sql yii2 database-migration
Redirect from one view to another view - Yii2

This is my form in the view page of my website. <?= $form->field($model, 'taskID')->textInput([…

php view yii2 active-form
Bad Request (#400) - Missing required parameters: id in YII2

I want to make a CRUD operation using GII Tool, but I get the error message Missing required parameters: id, …

yii2 yii2-advanced-app
Order by rand() in yii2

I want to write following query in yii2, but I can't get the expected output: SELECT * FROM user where category_…

mysql yii2 yii2-advanced-app yii2-basic-app
Yii2 : ActiveQuery Example and what is the reason to generate ActiveQuery class separately in Gii?

Could you provide an example usage. Description will be highly appreciated. I can not find a good example for it.

php yii2 gii
Yii2 + AngularJS in a single application - how?

I have experience with both Yii 2 and AngularJS, but separately. I have two questions: Is it possible to use AngularJS …

angularjs web-applications yii2