Top "Active-form" questions

ActiveForm is a widget that builds an interactive HTML form for one or multiple data models.

yii2: make checkbox to be checked

I am using Yii2 framework and I'd like to generate an html code like this <input type="checkbox" id="…

php html yii active-form
How to change label text of the ActiveField?

I have created new Yii2 basic project and want to dig in. There is a Username field on login page: …

yii2 active-form
Yii2 - ActiveForm ajax submit

How can i use ActiveForm with these requirements? Submit form with ajax. Before submitting with ajax: Check if error exits. …

ajax yii2 active-form
yii2 ActiveForm numeric textfield

I've created an ActiveForm using yii2 like this: <?=$form->field($item, 'finalPrice', [ 'options' => [ 'tag' => 'div', 'class' =&…

yii2 yii2-advanced-app active-form
yii2 active field template

It seems template for checkbox in sample yii2 project doesn't not apply correctly <?= $form->field($model, 'rememberMe', [ 'template' =&…

activerecord twitter-bootstrap-3 yii2 active-form
How to preselect/check a default radio button in yii2 RadioList()?

I want the radio button preselected in my form. <?= $form->field($model, 'config')->radioList(['1'=&…

php html yii2 active-form
Radio Button group in separate place in yii2

So, I want to have two radio button in separate place, I have been trying to search for the solution …

php yii2 active-form
Yii2 activeform ajax submit and validation

Currently to achieve ajax submit and validation at the same time. I'm using custom function like: $('.edit_form').submit(…

javascript php ajax yii2 active-form
jQuery(...).activeform is not a function in Yii

I am developing a project with Yii. I need to use jquery ui on many pages of site. So I …

jquery yii active-form
How to set Yii2's ActiveForm checkbox in checked state?

I'm looking for a simple solution for a "checked" state for the Yii2 ActiveForm checkbox control and I can't find …

checkbox yii2 active-form