Top "Yarn" questions

YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a key component of second generation Apache Hadoop infrastructure.

Hadoop is not showing my job in the job tracker even though it is running

Problem: When I submit a job to my hadoop 2.2.0 cluster it doesn't show up in the job tracker but the …

java hadoop hadoop-streaming yarn
How to know what is the reason for ClosedChannelExceptions with spark-shell in YARN client mode?

I have been trying to run spark-shell in YARN client mode, but I am getting a lot of ClosedChannelException errors. …

hadoop apache-spark spark-streaming yarn
How to add configuration file to classpath of all Spark executors in Spark 1.2.0?

I'm using Typesafe Config,, to parameterize a Spark job running in yarn-cluster mode with a …

apache-spark classpath yarn typesafe-config
How to avoid Spark executor from getting lost and yarn container killing it due to memory limit?

I have the following code which fires hiveContext.sql() most of the time. My task is I want to create …

memory apache-spark apache-spark-sql yarn executors
Difference between Application Manager and Application Master in YARN?

I understood how MRv1 works.Now I am trying to understand MRv2.. what's the difference between Application Manager and Application …

hadoop mapreduce yarn
org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException: Futures timed out after [120 seconds]. This timeout is controlled by spark.rpc.lookupTimeout

Getting the below error with respect to the container while submitting an spark application to YARN. The HADOOP(2.7.3)/SPARK (2.1) environment …

apache-spark apache-spark-sql yarn hadoop2
Spark Launcher waiting for job completion infinitely

I am trying to submit a JAR with Spark job into the YARN cluster from Java code. I am using …

java apache-spark yarn spark-launcher
Spark + EMR using Amazon's "maximizeResourceAllocation" setting does not use all cores/vcores

I'm running an EMR cluster (version emr-4.2.0) for Spark using the Amazon specific maximizeResourceAllocation flag as documented here. According to …

apache-spark yarn emr amazon-emr elastic-map-reduce
Spark on yarn concept understanding

I am trying to understand how spark runs on YARN cluster/client. I have the following question in my mind. …

hadoop apache-spark hdfs yarn
How to execute Spark programs with Dynamic Resource Allocation?

I am using spark-summit command for executing Spark jobs with parameters such as: spark-submit --master yarn-cluster --driver-cores 2 \ --driver-memory 2G --num-executors 10 \ …

apache-spark hadoop yarn