Spark + EMR using Amazon's "maximizeResourceAllocation" setting does not use all cores/vcores

retnuH picture retnuH · Nov 30, 2015 · Viewed 17.1k times · Source

I'm running an EMR cluster (version emr-4.2.0) for Spark using the Amazon specific maximizeResourceAllocation flag as documented here. According to those docs, "this option calculates the maximum compute and memory resources available for an executor on a node in the core node group and sets the corresponding spark-defaults settings with this information".

I'm running the cluster using m3.2xlarge instances for the worker nodes. I'm using a single m3.xlarge for the YARN master - the smallest m3 instance I can get it to run on, since it doesn't do much.

The situation is this: When I run a Spark job, the number of requested cores for each executor is 8. (I only got this after configuring "yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator": "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator" which isn't actually in the documentation, but I digress). This seems to make sense, because according to these docs an m3.2xlarge has 8 "vCPUs". However, on the actual instances themselves, in /etc/hadoop/conf/yarn-site.xml, each node is configured to have yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores set to 16. I would (at a guess) think that must be due to hyperthreading or perhaps some other hardware fanciness.

So the problem is this: when I use maximizeResourceAllocation, I get the number of "vCPUs" that the Amazon Instance type has, which seems to be only half of the number of configured "VCores" that YARN has running on the node; as a result, the executor is using only half of the actual compute resources on the instance.

Is this a bug in Amazon EMR? Are other people experiencing the same problem? Is there some other magic undocumented configuration that I am missing?


retnuH picture retnuH · Dec 2, 2015

Okay, after a lot of experimentation, I was able to track down the problem. I'm going to report my findings here to help people avoid frustration in the future.

  • While there is a discrepancy between the 8 cores asked for and the 16 VCores that YARN knows about, this doesn't seem to make a difference. YARN isn't using cgroups or anything fancy to actually limit how many CPUs the executor can actually use.
  • "Cores" on the executor is actually a bit of a misnomer. It is actually how many concurrent tasks the executor will willingly run at any one time; essentially boils down to how many threads are doing "work" on each executor.
  • When maximizeResourceAllocation is set, when you run a Spark program, it sets the property spark.default.parallelism to be the number of instance cores (or "vCPUs") for all the non-master instances that were in the cluster at the time of creation. This is probably too small even in normal cases; I've heard that it is recommended to set this at 4x the number of cores you will have to run your jobs. This will help make sure that there are enough tasks available during any given stage to keep the CPUs busy on all executors.
  • When you have data that comes from different runs of different spark programs, your data (in RDD or Parquet format or whatever) is quite likely to be saved with varying number of partitions. When running a Spark program, make sure you repartition data either at load time or before a particularly CPU intensive task. Since you have access to the spark.default.parallelism setting at runtime, this can be a convenient number to repartition to.


  1. maximizeResourceAllocation will do almost everything for you correctly except...
  2. You probably want to explicitly set spark.default.parallelism to 4x number of instance cores you want the job to run on on a per "step" (in EMR speak)/"application" (in YARN speak) basis, i.e. set it every time and...
  3. Make sure within your program that your data is appropriately partitioned (i.e. want many partitions) to allow Spark to parallelize it properly