YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is a key component of second generation Apache Hadoop infrastructure.
I'm new to Spark on YARN and don't understand the relation between the YARN Containers and the Spark Executors. I …
apache-spark containers yarn hortonworks-data-platform executorIs there a way of killing an application from the RM web UI instead of running yarn application -kill?
hadoop yarn resourcemanagerI am doing some change to Yarn source code. I have changed hadoop.root.logger=DEBUG,console to DEBUG in ${…
hadoop logging log4j yarn resourcemanagerInstallation Info :- Hadoop version :- 2.6.5 Spark Version :- 2.1.0 And Kerberos I am trying to get the spark context in …
authentication apache-spark yarn kerberos hadoop2I'm using a cluster managed by slurm to run some yarn/hadoop benchmarks. To do this I am starting the …
hadoop yarn slurmIs the sparklyr R package able to connect to YARN-managed hadoop clusters? This doesn't seem to be documented in the …
r apache-spark yarn sparkapi sparklyrI’m running a spark application with YARN-client or YARN-cluster mode. But it seems to take too long to startup. …
hadoop apache-spark yarn