Top "Xts" questions

xts is an R package that contains an eXtensible Time Series class and methods.

Converting data.frame to xts requires an appropriate time-based object

I have this following data frame: > head(table,10) Date Open High Low Close Volume Adj.Close 1 2014-04-11 32.64 33.48 32.15 32.87 28040700 32.87 2 2014-04…

r error-handling dataframe time-series xts
Check if a variable is xts or data.frame

Well the question says it all..I want to check in one of my functions if a function parameter given …

r types dataframe xts
dplyr, lubridate : how to aggregate a dataframe by week?

Consider the following example library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) time <- seq(from =ymd("2014-02-24"),to= ymd("2014-03-20"), …

r dplyr xts lubridate
Access zoo or xts index

I am using zoo objects, buy my question also applies to xts objects. It looks to me like it is …

r xts zoo
can I write an xts object using write.csv in R

I have an xts object, the first column of which is date-time, followed by OHLC. when I type >test …

r xts
R obtaining rownames date using quantmod

Using quantmod and collecting data from Yahoo. I am trying to get the dates that are in rownames. However I …

r xts quantmod
concatenating/ merging time series (in R)

I have to xts/zoo objects. each has measures of different variables over a different time span. I want to …

r merge concatenation xts
Read xts from CSV file in R

I'm trying to read time series from CSV file and save them as xts to be able to process them …

r time-series zoo xts
Using rollmean when there are missing values (NA)

I have a data set which has a couple of NA in it. I take a rolling mean and expect …

r xts zoo
Write xts/zoo object to csv with index

> library(PerformanceAnalytics) > data(managers) > class(managers) [1] "xts" "zoo" > head(managers) HAM1 HAM2 HAM3 HAM4 HAM5 HAM6 …

r xts zoo