Top "Xsd-validation" questions

XSD validations are used to validate the XML file against the stored schema.

XSD regular expression pattern: this or nothing

i'm trying to define an scheme rule in XSD, for which a string is 8 characters long: <PostedDate>42183296</…

regex xsd xsd-validation
XSD schema: How to specify the number of digits in a value?

i want to limit the number of digits allowed in an element to 6: <AccountNumber>123456</AccountNumber> <…

xml xsd xsd-validation
Ignoring supplied namespaces when validating XML with XSD

Background: We're building an application that allows our customers to supply data in a predefined (ie. we don't control) XML …

c# xml xsd-validation
How to ignore the validation of Unknown tags?

One more challenge to the XSD capability,I have been sending XML files by my clients, which will be having 0 …

xml xsd xsd-validation
How do I extend a base schema with custom elements while remaining open to change from new versions?

Given an XSD as follows: <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:…

xml xsd xsd-validation
Local XML validation with DTD or XSD using a relative path?

An XML file can be defined and validated with an Document Type Description (DTD) or XML Schema (xsd) as follows: &…

xml xsd xml-validation xsd-validation dtd
Restricting XML Elements Based on Another Element via XSD

I believe this has to do with keyref but I'm not for sure, and I am really not sure that …

xml xsd xsd-validation
How to add conditional validation in XSD :

Existing XSD Snippet: <xs:element name="searchcriteria"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element …

Create an XSD optional decimal element with restrictions

I've managed to create an optional decimal element using this: <xs:simpleType name="OptionalDecimal"> <xs:union memberTypes="…

xml xsd xsd-validation
Write a comment in XSD that will appear in auto-generated XML?

How can I write a comment in XML schema as below and that needs to be displayed in XML when …

xml xsd xml-parsing xsd-validation oxygenxml