Top "Xmlwriter" questions


XmlWriter encoding issues

I have the following code: MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlWriter w = XmlWriter.Create(ms); w.WriteStartDocument(true); w.WriteStartElement("data"); …

.net xml encoding xmlwriter
What is the best way to create XML files in Java?

We are presently using dom4j to create XML files. However, I'm guessing there's something better now. If we are …

java xml xmlwriter
XMLWriter: WriteStartElement with a tag name and string to indicate tag name

I have same tag names and different strings to different the tag name. here is the XML. <order> &…

c# xmlwriter
XMLWriter vs XMLDictionaryWriter

What's the difference between XMLWriter and XMLDictionaryWriter? In which cases is each one generally used?

.net xml-serialization xmlwriter
Best approach to write huge xml data to file?

I'm currently exporting a database table with huge data (100000+ records) into an xml file using XmlTextWriter class and I'm writing …

c# xml xmlwriter
what's the fastest way to write XML

I need create XML files frequently and I choose XmlWrite to do the job, I found it spent much time …

c# .net xml xmlwriter