Top "Xmlwriter" questions


Writing formatted XML with XmlWriter

I'm trying to write to an XML file to the isolated storage but I would like to format it like …

c# xml windows-phone-7 xmlwriter xml-formatting
VB.NET XMLWriter: How to change what's in the header?

I have a requirement to make an XML file - and the partner is rather sticky about the header. Apparently, … xmlwriter
How to create an XML file from a XmlReader?

How do you write an XML file from an System.Xml.XmlReader? I thought this would be a simple question …

c# xml xmlreader xmlwriter
Removing version from xml file

I am creating a Xml like format using XmlWriter. But in the output there is version information also. <?xml …

c# xml version xmlwriter
How can I remove the BOM from XmlTextWriter using C#?

How do remove the BOM from an XML file that is being created? I have tried using the new UTF8…

c# xml byte-order-mark xmlwriter
Instruct XmlWriterSettings to use self-closing tags

I'm using XmlWriterSettings to write Xml to file. I have elements with only attributes, no children. I want them to …

c# xml xmlwriter
string escape into XML-Attribute

I had a look at string escape into XML and found it very useful. I would like to do a …

c# xml escaping stringbuilder xmlwriter
Writing XMLDocument to file with specific newline character (c#)

I have an XMLDocument that I have read in from file. The file is Unicode, and has the newline character …

c# newline xmldocument xmlwriter
The prefix '' cannot be redefined from '' to '' within the same start element tag

I'm getting this error The prefix '' cannot be redefined from '' to '' …

xml xml-namespaces xmlwriter
xmlwriter write elements in one line

I tried to save some elements from my application in xml file but when I started to develop it using …

c# xml xmlwriter