I am trying to get the driving distance between two points with lat/lon given. I can manually put them into google map and get the driving distance but I want to do all this programatically.
I guess JavaScript is the language to go. But, I do not know JavaScript and I am fairly familiar using R. I would prefer to do it in R since I am doing all the data analysis in R.
I am looking for distance along the road not crow-fly distance. After few hours of trying, I wrote the following function in R (This and this one helped). Do you have any better way to get the distance either within this function or anything very very simpler?
latlon2ft <- function(origin,destination)
xml.url <- paste0('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/xml?origins=',origin,'&destinations=',destination,'&mode=driving&sensor=false')
xmlfile <- xmlTreeParse(xml.url)
xmltop = xmlRoot(xmlfile)
distance <- xmltop[['row']][[1]][5][1][['distance']][['value']][[1]]
distance <- as.numeric(unclass(distance)[['value']])
ft <- distance*3.28084 # FROM METER TO FEET
RESULT = 17224.41
I authored the gmapsdistance
package to do just that. It is available on CRAN. You can use the function in the following way:
results = gmapsdistance(origin = "38.1621328+24.0029257",
destination = "37.9908372+23.7383394",
mode = "walking") results
# $Time
# [1] 30025
# $Distance
# [1] 39507
# $Status
# [1] "OK"
You can also include vectors of origins and destinations, and get the resulting distance matrix. It supports also directions, and has a bunch of options:
results = gmapsdistance(origin = c("Washington+DC", "New+York+NY", "Seattle+WA", "Miami+FL"),
destination = c("Los+Angeles+CA", "Austin+TX", "Chicago+IL", "Philadelphia+PA"),
mode = "bicycling",
departure = 1514742000)
# $Time
# or Time.Los+Angeles+CA Time.Austin+TX Time.Chicago+IL Time.Philadelphia+PA
# 1 Washington+DC 856621 535146 247765 54430
# 2 New+York+NY 917486 596011 308630 32215
# 3 Seattle+WA 374692 678959 674989 956702
# 4 Miami+FL 829039 416667 452035 411283
# $Distance
# or Distance.Los+Angeles+CA Distance.Austin+TX Distance.Chicago+IL Distance.Philadelphia+PA
# 1 Washington+DC 4567470 2838519 1303067 266508
# 2 New+York+NY 4855086 3126136 1590684 160917
# 3 Seattle+WA 1982354 3562970 3588297 5051951
# 4 Miami+FL 4559205 2279966 2381610 2169382
# $Status
# or status.Los+Angeles+CA status.Austin+TX status.Chicago+IL status.Philadelphia+PA
# 1 Washington+DC OK OK OK OK
# 2 New+York+NY OK OK OK OK
# 3 Seattle+WA OK OK OK OK
# 4 Miami+FL OK OK OK OK