Top "Xls" questions

xls is the file extension for files created using the default format of Microsoft Excel (prior to Excel 2007).

How can I read .xlsx and .xls files in Java?

hi i want to read xlsx file or xls file what ever it is. can XSSF support xls file ? or …

java xls xlsx xssf
Direct downloading a xls file without writing it to the directory by Spreadsheet gem

I am using this Spreadsheet gem to export xls file. I have the following codes in my controller: def export @…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 export-to-excel xls
Read XLS in PHP using PhpSpreadsheet

I have a requirements to read XLS files (not xlsx) using PhpSpreadsheet and I having trouble. I tried this (as …

php excel xls phpspreadsheet
Autofit column in ClosedXML.Excel

I understand that the question stupid and from FAQ, but i cant set auto width in excel columns (using ClosedXML.…

c# .net excel xls closedxml
CSV to XLS linux script

I need a script to convert a comma seperated csv file to an excel xls file. I tried a python …

linux excel csv xls
In python removing rows from a excel file using xlrd, xlwt, and xlutils

Hello everyone and thank you in advance. I have a python script where I am opening a template excel file, …

python xls xlrd xlwt xlutils
Making new colors in JExcelApi

I'm using JExcelApi for generating XLS files. From jxl.format.Colour, I see how to get any of the colors …

excel export-to-excel xls jexcelapi
OpenXml SpreadsheetDocument.Open(...) get exception - The main part is missing

I have an xlsx doc with headers and it is located in my project path. I want to insert data …

c# .net excel xls openxml-sdk
warning when opening generated xls file in excel 2007

I get the following warning when opening an XML file with the ending .xls but I want to use it …

xml excel xls
Combine multiple csv files into a single xls workbook Python 3

We are in the transition at work from python 2.7 to python 3.5. It's a company wide change and most of our …

excel python-2.7 python-3.x csv xls