XLConnect is a comprehensive and platform-independent R package for manipulating Microsoft Excel files from within R. XLConnect differs from other related R packages in that it is completely cross-platform and as such runs under Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac (32- and 64-bit).
I understand that XLConnect can be used to read an Excel worksheet into R. For example, this would read the …
r excel xlconnectI have loaded a workbook into R and read in the worksheets using xlConnect, but I was wondering if there …
r excel xlconnectI am trying to import an excel sheet into r. I used the following code: x <- loadWorkbook("x.…
r xlconnectI'm relatively new to R (and programming). I have an Excel workbook with 36 sheets, but suppose that I don't know …
r excel xlconnectI am using the function readWorksheet from the package XLConnect to import Excel sheets in R. These sheets contain special …
r xlconnectI'm trying to download an .xlsx file from the eia and getting the following error. The error is: "Error: ZipException (…
r import-from-excel xlconnectI'm trying to load a hefty Excel workbook (.xlsm format, ~30 mb) that has a large number of array calcs. > …
r excel apache-poi xlconnect