Top "Xcode9" questions

This tag should only be used for questions specific to the usage and features of Xcode 9. Do not use this tag just because you are using Xcode to develop your app.

iOS 11: ATS (App Transport Security) no longer accepts custom anchor certs?

I am leasing a self signed certificate using NSMutableURLRequest and when the certificate is anchored using a custom certificate with …

security ssl ios11 xcode9
How do I reset the Simulator in Xcode 9

I'm trying to reset it. In Xcode 8 we went to "Simulator -> Reset Content and Settings". I don't see …

xcode ios-simulator xcode9
How can I get full-resolution screenshots when the Simulator's "Pixel Accurate" option is disabled?

On Xcode 9.1 the Pixel Accurate option is disabled and grayed out under the Window menu. How can I take App …

xcode ios-simulator xcode9
xcodebuild -exportArchive fails with error Locating signing assets failed

I'm using command line xcodebuild tool to export .ipa files from Xcode archives. It was working fine up to Xcode 8.3.3. …

ios ipa xcodebuild xcode9-beta xcode9
iPhone X - Safe Area does not achieve full-screen experience?

The new HIG for iPhone X available here, specify: "Provide a full-screen experience. Make sure backgrounds extend to the edges …

ios xcode ios11 xcode9 iphone-x
Code Folding changes in Xcode 9/10

I know code folding was missing in the early Beta's of Xcode9 and that it is available to fold entire …

swift xcode xcode9 code-folding xcode10
What is the meaning of: "Search tree file's format version number (0) is not supported"?

In macOS 10.13 High Sierra on Xcode 9 I get this log message: 2017-09-28 15:19:28.246511+0800 wr[5376:128702] MessageTracer: load_domain_whitelist_search_tree:73: …

macos xcode9 macos-high-sierra
Xcode 9 - Simulator: Screenshots taken are not of correct resolution for ItunesConnect / AppStore Connect

In the old version of the Xcode Simulator (Xcode 8), you could press Command + 1, and it would show the simulator to …

app-store-connect screenshot ios11 xcode9 simulator
Xcode 9 code completion and highlighting not working

I have seen many threads about this online, but not for Xcode 9. For some reason code completion and syntax highlighting …

xcode xcode9
In Xcode, how can I register a device to test on it, without having a paid Apple Developer account?

I am trying to test an app in a real device, using XCode 9. In Xcode > General > "Automatically manage …

ios xcode xcode9 apple-developer apple-id