Top "Xcode4.4" questions

Xcode 4.4 is the July 2012 release of Apple's integrated development environment (IDE) for Mac OS X and iOS.

Xcode 4.4 error - Timed out waiting for app to launch

yesterday I installed Xcode 4.4. I'm working on a project which needs to run on ios 4.1 upwards, supporting iOS device with …

iphone ios xcode4.4
xcrun: Error: could not stat active Xcode path '/Volumes/Xcode/'. (No such file or directory)

I've been beating my head against the desk all day trying to fix this!!! I have tried the suggested xcode-select …

Xcode 4.4 removed Icon Composer in Developer Tools

So I just upgraded to the latest and greatest Xcode 4.4 but can't find Icon Composer. It was in the Open …

cocoa icons xcode4.4
How to uninstall Xcode 4.4 command line tools (Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion)?

This SO post explains very well how to install command line tools for Xcode 4.4. But how to uninstall them?

xcode macos uninstallation osx-mountain-lion xcode4.4
Xcode 4.4 - Unable to run project

Having just upgraded Xcode 4.3 to Xcode 4.4, I get the following errors when running an existing project: On the simulator: "Cannot …

ios xcode xcode4.4
Localization - Add additional language to localizable.strings file

I have found this post about how to add localization to an app. The answer is very extensive and very …

xcode localization xcode4.4
Why is there @interface above @implementation?

I am wondering why there is twice @interface. One in class.h and other in class.m. For example: TestTableViewController.…

objective-c ios xcode ios5 xcode4.4
How to compile distributable Fortran binaries on Mac OS X Mountain Lion?

Since Apple have stopped distributing gfortran with Xcode, how should I compile architecture independent Fortran code? I have Mac OS …

scipy osx-mountain-lion gfortran xcode4.4
Permission Denied when running Mac app after upgrading to XCode 4.4

I had a working Mac application until I updated to XCode 4.4 and Mountain Lion. Now the application still compiles, but …

xcode macos osx-mountain-lion xcode4.4
Disable Anti-Aliasing Fonts in Xcode 4.4 in Mountain Lion

It's getting pretty frustrating to keep struggling with this one. I'm not sure if it's Xcode 4.4 or Mountain Lion (I …

xcode antialiasing osx-mountain-lion xcode4.4 font-smoothing