Top "Xcode10" questions

This tag should only be used for questions specific to the usage and features of Xcode 10.

Xcode 10 seems to break

I have upgraded to Xcode 10 on High Sierra and now the Rewarded Ad example project from AdMob complains that com.…

xcode admob xcode10 core-telephony
Archive button grayed out in Xcode

Would you be able to help me understand the reason why Archive button is grayed out in Xcode? I have …

ios xcode ios-simulator xcode10 xcode-scheme
Value for SWIFT_VERSION cannot be empty

I have installed swift pods for the obj c project. I got this error when I was trying to build …

swift xcode10
Cannot run application on simulator after installing Xcode 11 - CFBundleVersion error

Yesterday, I've downloaded beta version of Xcode 11. After that, I've opened my project and tried to run with new Xcode. …

ios xcode xcode10 xcode11
What does warning "Mapping architecture arm64 to x86_64" mean?

After migrating my framework to Xcode 10 beta (10L176w) I started to get warnings like: Mapping architecture arm64 to x86_64. …

ios swift xcode xcode10
xcode 8 error denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace)

Trying to run a build on simulator and I get this error: The request to open "com.companyname.appname" failed. …

xcode xcode8 xcode10
Enable code-folding by default

Is there a way to tell XCode fold methods/functions by default when opening a file?

xcode xcode9 code-folding xcode10
Xcode 10 build fails with 'Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code

I updated Xcode to version 10 recently and started to receive a strange error when trying to build my project. I'm …

ios swift xcode10 swiftmessages
Xcode 10 (iOS 12) does not contain libstdc++6.0.9

I download the newest Xcode from Apple, but I found I cannot search the library named "libstdc++6.0.9".

ios xcode10 ios12
Xcode 10 Error: Multiple commands produce for 'app' and 'appex'

I got the recently discussed "Xcode 10 Error: Multiple commands produce..." error, but for the resulting app and appex file of …

ios xcode10