Top "Xbap" questions

XBAP (XAML Browser Application) are Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications that run in a sandboxed environment in a user's browser

What happens when a code signing certificate expires?

I am considering purchasing a code signing certificate from VeriSign or Thawte to sign an XBAP with. My question is …

certificate code-signing xbap
How to fetch string from resource to assign in WPF Resource section in xaml

I have a XBAP application with the following user control: <UserControl x:Class="XXX.UsersGrid" xmlns="…

c# wpf localization xbap
XBAP - This application type has been disabled

I have an XBAP on my website that used to work. I checked it today for the first time in …

.net wpf internet-explorer-9 xbap
How can I get my XBAP to run in my browser instead of downloading it on Windows 7?

On my old XP computer, running an XBAP from Visual Studio would open it up in Google Chrome. I switched …

wpf firefox google-chrome windows-7 xbap
Run WPF application in browser

I have my application wrote in WPF. Now, i want it to run in browser so I've read about it …

wpf browser xbap
Mysterious red border appears around ComboBox

I have a WPF app - an XBAP - with a ComboBox on the main page. When I select an …

wpf xbap
WPF vs XBAP vs Silverlight... which suits business applications?

I'm pretty familiar with a lot of the ins and outs of full fledged WPF client applications. I know that …

.net wpf silverlight xbap business-application
Deploy XBAP Application?

We have a WPF Application that has a two flavors with a consistent UI etc,one that runs from a …

wpf deployment xbap full-trust
Cannot run Xbap application on Internet Explorer 11

I am downloading an WPF Xbap application from the follwing link: …

wpf internet-explorer browser xbap
WPF (XBAP) application not trusted on some machines butother get a prompt and can run the application

I'm having an Issue with a WPF file not running correctly. On some machines it starts a security prompt shows …

wpf permissions xbap