Top "" questions


Java heap space OutOfMemoryError when binding a .jar in Xamarin

When following the steps on the Xamarin site for Binding a Java Library to create a binding project for the …

c# xamarin dalvik
Issues updating Xamarin: unable to resolve dependencies

I recently decided to update everything in my Xamarin workspace, including all NuGet packages, and Xamarin.Forms. I first installed …

xamarin nuget updates
TimePicker with Spinners?

I'm trying to build a TimePickerDialog but unfortunately the Time Picker that comes up is extremely cumbersome to Use : Is …

xamarin timepickerdialog
Sample code for file-picker in Xamarin android

Can anyone show me how to implement a file-chooser/picker for Android using Mono? Thanks in advance, Tery xamarin
Can't set Build Action to GoogleServiceJson

I'm working with Xamarin-Android to make an application, so I need to set Build Action to my google-services.json file …

xamarin push-notification google-play-services
Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Issue when using Android Support Design NavigationView

Getting the following issue when using NavigationView on a app: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: I got …

xamarin androiddesignsupport navigationview android-navigationview
How to extend application class in xamarin android

I want to extend the Android application and I want to override oncreate method. But for some reason its been …

c# xamarin android-manifest android-application-class
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off

I have been struggling with automatically turning on Wi-Fi as soon as the device is within range of an access …

android android-wifi wifimanager
Visual Studio's AndroidApkSigner does not find key in keystore

I am getting this error when creating an APK within Visual Studio: Failed to load signer "signer #1": C:\...\googleplay.keystore …

visual-studio google-play keytool apksigner
How to restart the application using Xamarin.Forms

If I manage a session (any concept of a session is suitable) in my app, and I deem that the …

xamarin xamarin.forms session-timeout application-restart