X509Certificate is the name of .NET and Java classes for handling X.509 certificates.
I have a web app that requires a client to send it's certificate and the server has to validate the …
java certificate x509certificate keystore pkixI have a task ( I tried with worker role and to upload a console app and run the .exe) that …
c# azure certificate x509certificate azure-worker-rolesI've been struggling with the configuration for this blasted WCF service for the past week, and I'm slowing beginning to …
wcf configuration ssl x509certificate transport-securityI have a WCF service which is exposed using a single endpoint with netTcpBinding which sits on Server A, hosted …
wcf authentication .net-4.0 x509certificate nettcpbindingI want to create or obtain a certificate, create a pfx-file, load it and have IdentityServer use it. However, IdentityServer …
asp.net-core x509certificate identityserver4I'm writing a SAML 2.0 response parser to handle POST authentication in ASP.Net (in C# and MVC, but that's less …
.net single-sign-on x509certificate pkcs#7 saml-2.0I'm developing ASP.NET 4.0 web application, and I want to read the current user certificates from X509Store. Reading the …
c# asp.net x509certificate x509certificate2I am trying to validate a SAML response which is coming from Siteminder IDP from a third party. I have …
x509certificate wif saml-2.0 siteminder adfs2.1Using the -ss option of Microsoft tool MakeCert.exe (-ss specifies the subject's certificate store name that stores the output …
c# powershell x509certificate windows-server-2008-r2I'm going to learn how to handle HTTPS traffic in C# as server-side and as for the first steps I've …
c# ssl https x509certificate handle