Top "Wtforms" questions

WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python.

DateField is not rendered as type="date"

class Form(Form): plan_start = DateField('Plan Start', validators=[Required()]) this code will render this html. <input id="plan_…

python tornado wtforms
wtforms+flask today's date as a default value

I did a small Flask app with a form with two date fields, and this is how I populate the …

python flask wtforms
Using FieldList and FormField

We have the following forms and we are trying to create list of GroupRoleForms for each group. class FullNameMixIn(): full_…

python wtforms
Determine which WTForms button was pressed in a Flask view

I have a page with multiple links to redirect the user to different pages. I thought using a form would …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Add fields dynamically to WTForms form

I want to define a form class with fields based on a dict of name: label. I tried the following, …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Flask-WTF uses input=submit instead of button type=submit

I would like Flask's "SubmitField" to use <button type="submit" title="Save this form"><span>Save&…

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Wtforms: How to generate blank value using select fields with dynamic choice values

I'm using Flask with WTForms (doc) on Google App Engine. What is the best way to generate an field with …

python google-app-engine flask wtforms
Can wtforms custom validator make a field optional?

I'm using a custom validator to check a field is not empty if a check box is checked. It checks …

python flask wtforms
Using HTML5 fields with WTForms

I am using Flask to develop a web application. I was originally doing HTML forms manually, and then switched over …

python html flask wtforms flask-wtforms