Top "Wtforms" questions

WTForms is a flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python.

How to pre-populate checkboxes with Flask/WTForms

I'm trying to produce a dynamic checkbox list with certain boxes checked based on the state of the data. Here's …

python flask wtforms
WTForm: FieldList with SelectField, how do I render?

I have this order form which allows my users to create an order. An order consists of multiple tuples of (…

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Get data from WTForms form

How do I get the data from a WTForms form after submitting it? I want to get the email entered …

python flask wtforms
wtforms raise a validation error after the form is validated

I have a registration form that collects credit card info. The workflow is as follows: User enters registration data and …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
Set WTForms submit button to icon

I want a submit button that displays an icon rather than text. The button is a field in a WTForms …

python flask jinja2 wtforms iconic
WTForms creating a custom widget

The WTForms documentation is woefully inadequate, they don't even show you one single example of a custom widget that isn't …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
flask wtform TypeError: __init__() takes from 1 to 2 positional arguments but 3 were given

I am having troubles with form validation. The country list is generated correctly, and previous forms worked fine. It is …

python flask wtforms
WTForms RadioField default values

I'm generating a html form with wtforms like this: <div class="control-group"> {% for subfield in form.time_offset %} &…

python wtforms
Flask WTForms: Difference between DataRequired and InputRequired

What is difference between DataRequired and InputRequired in wtforms.valiadators I have some fields in my signup form : username password …

python flask wtforms flask-wtforms
A Complete Many-to-One Example Using Flask, WTForm, SQLAlchemy, and Jinja2

Here is my HTML dropdown menu. The value is the primary key of the child table. <select id="category" …

python flask flask-sqlalchemy wtforms flask-wtforms