Top "Wstring" questions

C++ standard library class to hold strings with wide characters.

Converting std::wsting to char* with wcstombs_s

I have input strings that contain only digits (just the plain Latin ones, 0-9, so for example "0123"), stored as std::…

c++ string c++11 wstring
Handling UTF-8 in C++

To find out if C++ is the right language for a project of mine, I wanna test the UTF-8 capabilities. …

c++ linux stl utf-8 wstring
How to convert string to wstring in C++

I have programmed some code but there is some problem. In this codes i am trying to convert string to …

c++ string wstring
Unable to write a std::wstring into wofstream

I'm using Qt/C++ on a Linux system. I need to convert a QLineEdit's text to std::wstring and write …

c++ qt4 wstring wofstream
Convert a String^ to wstring C++

I programmed a little Application in C++. There is a ListBox in the UI. And I want to use the …

string visual-studio-2012 c++-cli wstring
getting a sub string of a std::wstring

How can I get a substring of a std::wstring which includes some non-ASCII characters? The following code does not …

c++ substring non-ascii-characters wstring
Splitting std::wstring into std::vector

This question shows how to split a string into a vector using a single character delimeter. Question: Right way to …

c++ string vector wstring
How to convert wstring to LPOLESTR?

The below is the one that I have tried and it did not work. std::wstring = L"Text"; USES_CONVERSION; …

C++ substring multi byte characters

I am having this std::string which contains some characters that span multiple bytes. When I do a substring on …

c++ character-encoding wstring
how can I convert wstring to u16string?

I want to convert wstring to u16string in C++. I can convert wstring to string, or reverse. But I …

c++ winapi utf-16 wstring valueconverter